Surround yourself in sacred Mount Shasta’s magic and majesty!
Step away from the busy schedule, the noise, the overwhelm…
and soak in the calming, serenity of nature.
Join us
at the mountain’s portal,
the waterfalls,
the stunning vistas,
and in sacred circle.
We will celebrate nature in the exquisite private sanctuary –
Jewel in the Lotus!

Bask in the Lionsgate Lemurian Energies in Sacred Ceremony and Ley Line Activations on Mount Shasta in California!
Retreat Ticket provides attendance to the
3 Day Event activities.
See Registration for more details.

Celebrate the extraordinary LionsGate in Mt Shasta with a 3 Day Spiritual Mastery Retreat
You are invited to join International Quantum Healer and Ascension Activator, Meg Benedicte and John Burgos on the sacred site of Mount Shasta for the 3 Day Shasta LionsGate Retreat. Join the Family of Light for the powerful 88 LionsGate Ascension Activations on Gaia’s vortex root chakra. Step into the portal of ascension and activate your Soul’s Light Body & Blueprint for living as a Divine Human in the New Earth.
Every year is encoded with a cosmic blueprint, an astro chart, a number, a holographic template. 88 is pulsing with themes of power, presence, self-responsibility, personal authority, and becoming a leader in your own life and in the world. This is an empowering, action-oriented opportunity.
“My absolute FAVORITE was the Q & A’s we had with you! It was a bonding time for me because everyone was so OPEN – and so many of the questions that I’ve had – were asked by others also! It’s such a blessing to be able to connect with you in that way because you’ve been doing this for 30 years! It’s invaluable information!
I am truly a different person today than before the retreat – it was a life changing experience for me personally. There is nothing more important to me than growing Spiritually…… and I am so Thankful and Blessed that I was guided to you as a Teacher and I love the people that are surrounding you in your mentoring program and on this retreat! The best!
I can’t WAIT to join you and everyone on the next retreat! Love to you – Thank you! “
Join Meg Benedicte in Mount Shasta!

The annual LionsGate occurs during the time of Leo, the Lion, when Blue Star Sirius rises with our Solar Sun on the horizon. The powerful Sirian-Lemurian ascension waves are awakening souls to a
new world consciousness!
“What an amazing experience it was to be with you Meg for the 777 Retreat! One of the biggest high of my life ! 🌀💖” – Kay

John Burgos + Meg Benedicte
Group Ceremony, Transmissions, Quantum Access® Meditations & Ascension Activations led by Meg Benedicte and co-hosted by John Borgos.

3 Day Shasta LionsGate Retreat includes:
Group Ceremony, Transmissions, Quantum Access® Meditations & energy healing led by Meg Benedicte
Time or you to explore Mount Shasta Sacred Sites*
Group Ascension Activations
Sound Healing Immersion
Somatic Movement & Bodywork
Local Vendors – private collection of artwork, crystals, jewelry, herbal products, and more!
Register and Reserve your spot – Seats are Limited!
* Any visits in the Shasta Trinity National Forest are at the discretion of each attendee.