Deep Quantum Activations on Sacred Power Spots

With International Quantum Healer and Ascension Activator, Meg Benedicte

Upcoming Quantum Access® Retreats:

888 Lionsgate in Mt Shasta 2024

Join Meg on Mount Shasta for 4 days on Gaia’s vortex root chakra to supercharge your abundant life flow! Registration open soon.

Egypt 2024

Embark on a 12-day ceremonial journey into mystical Egypt this coming fall from Sept 25 – Oct 8 with four other extraordinary luminaries.

Activate the 888 on Lionsgate!

Are you meant to join me in Egypt?

Take time in Sacred Ceremony and Ley Line Activations at powerful locations around the world with Meg!

You are invited to join International Quantum Healer and Ascension Activator, Meg Benedicte in upcoming global retreats at Gaia’s power portals.

Become the Divine Human you are!

Tap into the Quantum Access® process, the quantum science and spiritual-based method to powerfully expand your awareness, clear and heal the past, and expand into your full and greatest expression. If you feel a similar purpose and mission, come join our growing Soul Tribe at Gaia’s sacred sites and birth alive the Golden Age.

Experiences of Our In Person Attendees

“THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH for a fabulous 777 retreat in Mount Shasta, it was so fabulous! It was so great meeting you in person after following you and your amazing work for so many years! The retreat was so thoughtfully and wonderfully put together and well organized, really flowed so well and the experience was truly life changing for me! I loved the combination of teaching, experiential meditations, nature experiences, sound baths and embodiment exercises (estatic dance, etc) and really enjoyed the waater blessing and all the vendors were so amazing. Really the whole event was my favorite Mount Shasta event I have ever attended (and I have attended a ton) and the group was beyond special….everyone was amazing!!! Thank you again for your work, your vision and creation of such a sacred container to facilitate deep work and healing for all of us and mama gaia! :)” – Tami 

Experiences of Our In Person Attendees

“What an amazing experience it was to be with you Meg for the 777 Retreat! One of the biggest high of my life ! 🌀💖” – Kay

Experiences of Our In Person Attendees

” I absolutely adored the embodiment opportunities as well as the opportunities in nature. The activities were well-designed.” – Alyssa

Experiences of Our In Person Attendees

“Meg & New Earth Central are changing the planet by helping you move into your ‘Soul Led Life’! I knew nothing of Meg or her mission, yet I signed up for her retreat from the prompting of my own intuition. I didnt know what to expect. After spending 4 days with Meg & her team I feel I have a tool that will easily accelerate me to create the beautiful abundant life I desire to live. I have been on my spiritual path for years AND this wonderful woman has given me the key to taking a much faster & easier road. I am super excited & deLIGHTed to have found Quantum Access.” – Victoria

Experiences of Our In Person Attendees

“My sister Dollie, her daughter Lindsey and I had a peak experience And with Spirit, with our Precious Mountain and our soul family who came together again to carry out our mission of creating the healing vortex on Mt Shasta over the course of the weekend.  Indeed, we heard the clarion call to come. We came in humility and love to serve and were honored to be called. The healing we carried away was over the top amazing.  Thank you, Meg and your Dream Team, for facilitating the monumental work. 🙏🙏🙏

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Experiences of Our In Person Attendees

“… I found the work Ayisha did with dance to be a superb icebreaker. We bonded through our play. The reason I loved it so much is I dance every day to experience my joy.  I feel everyone of us felt safe enough to let down our barriers and go with the child within.  Kudos to you, your impeccable team and Ayisha for her exquisite artistry.

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Experiences of Our In Person Attendees

“…Lindsey is back in WV at the moment, but she was overjoyed with the love and healing she received from all participants of the event, especially your team.  Again, a million thank you’s. 

Thank you for your sage advice to give self care.  I immersed myself with love and care over the weekend.  I am integrating the profound work with each moment and breath as we Lightworkers like it:  with grace and ease.  lol! Lastly, I would love to be mentored by you…  As I mentioned as we were climbing the stairs on 11:11, I am already engaged in your class. 

I resonate totally with it and look forward to learning from you such wonderfully amazing tools to execute my multidimensional work.  I am immensely grateful. 🙏💖😇

My heart is sending a world of gratitude and love, Anna”

Experiences of Our In Person Attendees

Thanks for the great event!
I received such an amazing download…
Spirit put me to work Monday am
Opened new web site 
For next event I’m open to sharing info on mineral selection and care
Many Blessings for what you share, Russell


Raves From Our Online Attendees

What a phenomenal and generous gift these replays are for we who attended in person.  Thank you for all the loving energy, support, Spirit, caring, professionalism, grounding, way-showing and fun you added to our 777 Retreat.

For me personally, the experience was profound, enJOYed tremendously, illuminating, uplifting, educational, and life-changing. In deep gratitude, Michèle


Raves From Our Online Attendees

I am STILL feeling such a high vibe from your beautiful, mystical weekend retreat in Mt. Shasta!  Even tho I wasn’t there in person and joined on the zoom connection –  you, your team and everyone there physically made me feel so welcome and such a part of the whole experience! I’ve managed a lot of corporate events and I know how much work it takes to make things go smoothly and I have to say that this was just seamless.  So smooth and organized, and the videographer was absolutely amazing at keeping the zoom attendees connected to the whole retreat. 

I think it was a perfect balance of experiences – interesting workshops, magical time outside on Mt. Shasta, ecstatic dance, crystal bowl quantum sound, and your Mind Blowing Meditations and Activations and so much more….



Raves From Our Online Attendees

“My absolute FAVORITE was the Q & A’s we had with you! It was a bonding time for me because everyone was so OPEN – and so many of the questions that I’ve had –  were asked by others also!  It’s such a blessing to be able to connect with you in that way because you’ve been doing this for 30 years! It’s invaluable information!

I am truly a different person today than before the retreat – it was a life changing experience for me personally. There is nothing more important to me than growing Spiritually…… and I am so Thankful and Blessed that I was guided to you as a Teacher and I love the people that are surrounding you in your mentoring program and on this retreat!  The best!  

I can’t WAIT to join you and everyone on the next retreat!  Love to you – Thank you!  – Elizabeth

Group Ceremony, Transmissions, Quantum Access® Meditations & Ascension Activations led by Meg Benedicte

Meg Benedicte

Come with Us!

Experience the energy and upgrades of the Lionsgate 888 Portal on Gaia’s root chakra, Mt Shasta, CA

More Quantum

Access® Retreats

to come.