In Person Event Options

Attend In Person: Full Illumination

Price includes: entry at all locations & shuttle to and from ceremony sites. Does not include travel costs to and from Mt Shasta, meals, or overnight accomodations.

Attend In Person – 11-11 Only

Price includes: entry for full schedule, one day on 11-11. Does not include travel costs (except for group shuttle during the event), meals, or overnight accomodations.

LiveStream Event Options

Attend Live Stream via Zoom

Participate inZoom LIveStreamduring group circles, ceremonies, performances and activities from the comfort of your home!

Attend Live Stream via Zoom for the 11:11 Gateway Activations only

Participate in the Zoom LiveStream Gateway Activations of the 11:11 Portal on Nov 11th at Noon.

Are You Ready to…

Activate your Soul’s Light Body & Blueprint for living as
a Divine Human in the New Earth

Join Quantum Access® Healer & Ascension Activator

Meg Benedicte

at Mount Shasta, CA
for a 3 Day Spiritual Illumination of your Light Mastery

Meg Benedicte

Have you been feeling…

  • Disconnected from Spirit?
  • Blocked energy flow in your body?
  • Heart is closed and heavy?
  • Unable to receive Higher Self guidance?
  • Unclear what your Soul purpose is?

How would it feel to…

Ignite deeper Soul connection and purpose?

Spend 3 Days in Sacred Ceremony, open to the 11:11 portal of invention and new beginnings that flow to us in the form of ideas and inspiration.


Join other Spiritual Masters and Seekers in the Circle of Light for the powerful 11:11 Gateway Ascension Activations on Gaia’s vortex root chakra. Step into the  portal of ascension and activate your Soul’s Light Body & Blueprint for living as a Divine Human in the New Earth.

It only happens once a year, when the 11:11 Ascension Gateway opens to higher dimensional realms. In numerology, 11 signifies Mastership level. 1 represents initiation, invention and new beginnings that flow to us in the form of ideas and inspiration. 11:11 is considered a master number sequence.

Number 11 represents two pillars, a gateway, which opens a direct portal between intention and manifestation. When we are touched by the 11:11 Ascension codes, we are awakening to the Master of Light that we are. 11:11 code sequences activate rapid transformation wherever we focus our attention/intentions. It is a powerful seed moment for birthing our personal ascension and the New Earth Timeline.

3 Day Shasta 11:11 Gateway Retreat includes:

In-Person Gathering:

  • Quantum Access® Meditations & energy healings with Meg Benedicte
  • Mount Shasta Sacred Sites
  • Mountain Ceremony in Nature
  • Sound Healing Immersion
  • Sacred Water CeremonySomatic Movement & Bodywork
  • Personal time – resting, healing, enjoying
  • Local Vendors – private collection of artwork, crystals, jewelry, herbal products, and more!

Attend in Person – All 3 Days

Attend in Person – One Day, 11-11

Live-Stream Online All 3 Days:

    You are invited to join International Quantum Healer and Ascension Activator, Meg Benedicte’ in sacred ceremony LiveStreamed from the 11:11 Ascension Gateway Illumination Retreat in Mount Shasta, CA.

    LiveStream Replays are available. The 3 Day Schedule of Events and Zoom link to attend will be sent in prior to the start of Retreat. Price includes: Zoom link to all activities, including most outdoor locations (outdoor sound quality may be variable).

    LiveStream Access Fee  $111

    We’re waiting for you!

    Let’s gather on the Sacred Mountain!!

    Jewel in the Lotus

    Soul Connections Community Room

    Our Retreat occurs on the ancient land of Lemuria. When you connect to Mount Shasta’s sacred sites, you connect with the galactic family and Angelic Stargate forces.

    Immerse yourself in accelerated stargate energies!

    Connect, stabilize and empower your bioenergetics on Gaia’s Root Chakra!
    Fulfill your Soul destiny in birthing the New Earth.

    11:11 Event Sponsor

    We would like to extend deep gratitude to our Sponsor for this event:

    Joanne Erickson

    Board Member of NEC Inc (Charity Corp)

    Detailed Schedule and more information coming soon.
    Rooms and rentals book up fast around Gateway events.
    We encourage booking your room ASAP, here.